
Friday 8 August 2014

Birthday Cake

_MG_9182I love me some birthday cake stuff. Mostly sweets, not going to lie, Jake has been a little scarred since I just had to have the Oreo birthday cake ice cream (which turned out to be g-ross), but I am not that easily swayed. When I see an article of clothing that could resemble birthday cake? I must have it. And generally, I do. IMG_9161_MG_9197This outfit consists of 4 of my favorite things at the moment: Racerfront shirts, while this one is a little trapezy (I still love it), the cut is so flattering and shows off your shoulders & collarbones beautifully. Second, my grey jeans. Good lord it'll be a sad day when they fall apart. Lastly? Making statement pieces out of my existing necklaces. I'm a little obsessed currently with aquiring a big old statement chunker, but seeing as how my bank account is disagreeing with me I'm getting a little creative with what I do have. Gotta love Stella & Dot for making almost all of their necklaces remixable, makes this girl's heart (and wallet) happy. _MG_9192

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