
Thursday, 28 November 2013

Guest Post: Stealing their Style

It’s hardly surprising that fashion bloggers have impeccable taste when it comes to dressing well, more often than not bloggers have the most interesting way of seeing clothes.

When I’m feeling a little un-inspired all it takes is a quick scan of my favourite blogs and I’m flushed with ideas. Whether they’re lucky enough to carry all of the latest ‘it bags’ and wear this season’s most wanted items, or just have a novel way of putting together outfits, blogs are a veritable catalogue of how real people wear clothes.

So what better than looking up four of our favourite bloggers and drawing inspiration from their own personal style? Not saying that anyone should simply copy others but it’s a great way to build on your own personal taste, by taking your favourite aspects of some of the best dressers out there.

Barefoot Blonde

The Arizona based blogger is the perfect person to come to for laid back style with a luxe twist, think sumptuous coats paired with cool prints and bright pops of colour, and not forgetting an impressive blonde barnet!

This look from Amber of the Barefoot Blonde is great for the colder months as you can layer up the look without it getting frumpy. And animal print is one of this season’s biggest trends so make sure to give it a go!Barefoot_Blonde

  1. Topshop Petite Leopard Print Borg Coat - £60 –

  2. Base Range Basic Sweat - £54 –

  3. Zara Basic High Heel Leather Boot - £62 -

  4. Retro Round Angled Cat Eye Sunglasses - £6.17 –

  5. Warehouse Superfit Skinny Jeans - £48 –

The Daybook Blog

If you’re looking for something a little more bohemian then make sure to head on over to the Daybook Blog for your daily dose of inspiration. This blog is full of wholesome countryside inspired looks with a kick of the alternative running throughout.

Sydney from the Daybook is a master of putting together classic pieces and giving them her own cool twist. We especially like this festive inspired look with the bright red cardigan paired with a brown hat and boots to really tie the look together!


  • Dirk Bikkembergs Cardigan - £110 –

  • ALC Breton Stripe Top - £100 –

  • Topshop Moto Dark Vintage Jamie Jeans - £40 –

  • Little Hippie Hat - £56 –

  • J. Crew Chevron Checker Snood - £37 –

  • Rachel Zoe Maya Boots - £170 –


Ivory Lane

Emily Jackson from the Ivory Lane blog is the epitome of a classic lady-like dresser with a penchant for feminine florals and silhouettes. If you’re ever stuck for something to wear for a job interview then this is your girl. Look to Ivory lane for chic ensembles, flattering suits and amazing heels.

This look is perfect for transitioning from day to evening, it’s a classic ensemble and each of the items will go perfectly with almost anything that’s already in your wardrobe! The Givenchy bag might be a little on the pricey side but if you’re a regular to the Ivory Lane blog you will see that it gets a lot of use. It’s a real staple and will make up for it in the long run if you use it every day!


  1. J.Crew Elbow-Patch Sweater - £60 –

  2. Lace Trim Ponte Collar Top - £28 –

  3. Orla Kiely Sparkle Ottoman Skirt - £258 –

  4. Givenchy Women’s Calf Leather Medium Antigona bag - £1,495 –

Atlantic Pacific

Easily one of our favourite bloggers has to be the uber chic Blair Eadie from Atlantic-Pacific. Blair knows how to do elegant looks in an instant with a real flash of fashion forward accessories. She has a fantastic ability to pair staples with really glamorous statement pieces to create looks that are perfect for almost any occasion without looking over the top!

This look is perfect for the weekend. We love the print clash of the plaid and stripes and the Valentino Rockstud sandals are absolutely to die for. For those in colder climates simply team this look with a longline oversized coat and turn up the collar to finish.


  1. Comme Des Garcons Play Striped Long Sleeved Top - £130 –

  2. Guess by Marciano Gianna Sunglasses - £86 –

  3. Slim-Fit Plaid Trousers - £25 –

  4. Valentino Rockstud Leather Slingback Pumps - £740 –

So there are some of our top bloggers of the moment and some of our favourite looks from them. We might not have their budgets or their amazing glossy hair but we can definitely use them as our own source of inspiration. Who is your favourite blogger who inspires your style? Which is your favourite look from these four bloggers?

Guest post written by




Wednesday, 20 November 2013

Just so much excitement.

always~This may or may not be my new life motto. Currently? It is so damn true. Life is pretty neato right now.

How is there only (roughly) 5 more weeks left of 2013!? How is this possible? Am I the only one who feels like it is flying by? Time obviously flies when you're having fun, so I'm chalking it up to the fact that I'm kiiind of having the time of my life right now. For a few reasons, some of which I'll share, some of which I'm still keeping to myself ;)

Cooking to get Laid. First off? Best name ever. A gentleman's blog for the at-home dining experience, everything the fellas need to know to woo the girl, without being a big fake douche (because we know when you are, FYI). In my opinion, chivalry seems to be a fast dying trait, and guys should take all the hints, tips & advice they can get. From funky recipes to try, the type of atmosphere to set, how to clean your bathroom for when she inevitably snoops (we can't help it, sorry), this blog has become a new favorite. Adrien contacted me a little ways back asking if I'd be interested in writing for them at all, and after a quick scan I figured oh yeah, this'll be a good fit. My first article was published yesterday, all about how we Judgmental Judy's think about when we go to your house the first time. If you want to check it out - and I would just love it if you did - click here. Personally I am itching to try this chicken curry recipe, but then I see that there are more than 10 ingredients to it and I laugh at myself and say "Whooo are you kidding. Ichiban it is." I put sriracha & veggies in it though, fancy it up a teensh.

The second amazingly fantastic collab I was fortunate enough to do recently was a stylized shoot with my new spirit sista Sara from Saige Wisdom. Sara is the fiery red-headed soulmate I never knew I missed. Seriously. She loves Target, the eff word (hellloo match made in heaven), and pretty things. She's also braver than I could ever be, leaving her 10 year career to launch her dream, Wedding & Event Planning, with Top Knot Events. (Which for the record, you're going to want to hire her for any of your party needs, she's going to rock this the f-ck out). She also contacted me a while ago about if I would be interested in modelling/helping to style some shoots she had coming up. My first thought? "Pump your breaks giiiirl, a selfie queen does not a model make." Because let's face it, anyone can take a good selfie, but modelling is a little different. "I'm giving smoldering eyes" can = "Check out my bitch face, world. I'm thinking about murdering someone." pretty damn fast. Either way, we got some serious magic on camera a couple weekends ago, and though I can't share them quite yet, we did take some teasers to use for Remembrance Day as well, so enjoy below. Whether or not I'm the next Zoolander is yet to be determined, but spending a day in a freaking tulle ballskirt was pretty fantastic, even if it was colder out than Frosty's nipple. Mind over matter ;)


Friday, 15 November 2013

Fear is stupid.

so are regretsHi, i'm Brianne and I am afraid of the dark. Not really, I'm afraid of what hides in the dark. Funny little side story. I'm a little bit blind, I've had glasses since I was in grade 2, and without them I'd be Mrs. Magoo.. So, you remember those big tacky pens you'd get at the book fairs at school, that when you pressed down on them, the end would light up red? No? Google it, I'll wait.

Welcome back. Okay, so one day in grade 5, my group of friends (aka the little assholes), told me this story about Bloody Mary. Of course (I was obviously the naive one in the group). They took me into the girls bathroom, and said that in order for her to come out, I had to put a possession that was close to me by the mirror. Oh, I know! Your glasses, Bri! (See? naive as f-ck). Okay so, they turn off the lights, spin me three times and do the Bloody Mary chant, and tell me to open my eyes. Those little f-ckers took one of those pens and pressed it down behind my head, so in my blurry dizzy state all I could see was a silhouette of a girl staring back at me in the mirror. Illuminated in RED light. Needless to say: I LOST MY SHIT, and to this day, I cannot look in a mirror until the lights are on. As an adult! I know it was me I was seeing, but it literally scarred me for life. One of those little assholes is still one of my best friends to this day, so Mia, consider two weekends ago long overdue karma ;) - thaaanks again though.

I moved out of my parents house, right into my boyfriends house. At 18. So up until this year, I had never lived fully alone. Ever. Suffice it to say, I was/am a mega scaredy cat. I don't believe in ghosts haunting me or shit like that, but I do believe quite firmly in serial killers hiding out underneath my stairs. Let's chalk that up to my adoration of crime scene shows, and crime documentaries. How I'm so afraid of people killing me in my home, but yet I'm so fascinated with watching shows that basically put that fear into me, I'm not sure, but It's a weird contradiction I hold dear. I learned my lesson to toughen up when my hydro bills practically slapped me in the face every time I got them. "Do you need to sleep with the lights on!? EVERY light? Buy a f-cking nightlight already if you're such a puss!"- BC Hydro. I used to do this when I'd be home alone at my parent's house too, but it's funny the shit you start caring about when you're paying for it on your own hey? Funny how that works.

I have no real point to this, except to say I've transitioned into full grown-up hood and sleep in the dark now, no night-light required - except I wouldn't say no to these, only for the fact that they're adorable. I mean, I check every possible hiding space a murderer could be chilling in first before I can go to sleep, but that's just self-preservation. Because as Marilyn put it, fear is stupid.

Wednesday, 13 November 2013

What I Wore Wednesday

There are probably only 2 things I enjoy about the really cold months: my birthday, and Christmas. Okay and the Starbucks Christmas drinks/cups, so I guess 3 things. Otherwise, cold weather turns me into a grump faster than anything. I really hate being cold. Especially when my feet get cold, then I'm just a write-off. But, every negative has a positive, right? Cold weather means that I can layer up, and have more fun with my outfits since it won't be too hot out to pile it all on. So there we go, one point in favor of the cold.


*ps. Dad, if you are reading this (which I'm sure you are because you are the best.. and yes I may be sucking up), I'm sorry for the hoop in my nose. Rest assured it will not be around when you're home and I see you in the flesh. <3
photo 1 photo 2 photo 3 photo

Wednesday, 6 November 2013

Toot toot.

Are you all big thrifters? I'm not, or at least I wasn't. I remember the first time I ever went into Value Village was probably going on 15+ years ago - that gave me a serious "okay oldie" shiver, but I'm moving past it- and I remember seeing an underwear section. Okay, hold the f-ck up; Second hand GINCH!? Come on. Come ON, no one is that broke. Or that blasé about hygiene. And if you are out there, please don't be offended when I say I never want to meet you. THAT was enough for me to declare: "I am NEVER shopping somewhere that sells second hand undies. No. f-cking. WAY."


Well, like most times, I'm eating my words. I tend to do that a lot, it must come with being dramatic or something..? So I'm told. Anywho, I've dabbled in the Value Village world a few times, though most of the time I'm just not into digging through the sea of taffeta, pit stains and cat sweaters to find some winners, but on a few occasions I've managed to find some cool pieces, my favorite being my faux fur vest. Now that was a serious gem find. I was in there the other day to find some pieces for an upcoming styled shoot I'm doing, and I found a little faux fur peaking out at me just saying "Bri! PSSST- BRI! Come look at me and you'll want to take me home, promise." Now, when a piece talks to you like that, you better listen.  So, being the clothing whore I am, I took that girly home and made her mine. Fotor110692821Now, this is where the story gets AWESOME. I'm web browsing later on in the day, and an ad for ShopBop comes up, and low and behold: MY SWEATER.  Fullscreen capture 110513 30041 PM.bmpYes, there are some minor differences, but that's what you get when there's a $368 price difference. Yah, I paid a whopping $8 and ShopBop is shilling this for almost $400. Suckers. So, there we go, I'm not usually one to toot my own horn, but umm: toot toot.

Tuesday, 5 November 2013

Arizona, the Mars of Earth.

IMG_8305.. Think about it, it totally is.

Anyway, a few weeks ago I went to Arizona to see my snowbird Canerican parents. Mainly to see them, but also to recharge - aka get the f-ck out of Vernon, and squash my bank account balance. Needless to say, I succeeded in all of these things. Some highlights of my trip, in no particular order:

  1. We went on an art gallery walk down in Old Scottsdale, which was fantastic and only reminded me of the need to work hard and make money marry rich. BUT, the best part of that night was the one gallery we went into had a real security guard, and a fake one. On the way out my mom whispered to me, "you know, that guard really has no sense of humor. He didn't even smile at us!" Yah, she was talking about the fake one. She then proceeded to have a serious anxiety attack in the car about how she was losing it.

  2. No matter what I do, every time I get in the sun somewhere hot, I get a heat rash on my arms and chest. Now, this doesn't mean I limit my sun exposure - ain't nobody got time for that- no, I just suck it up. "I'll deal with it on the plane" is literally my go to line when people stare at my bubbling skin with serious concern. Well this time, it went away! Probably due to the antibiotics I was on...? I'm no doctor, but that's my story and I'm sticking to it.

  3. Now not necessarily a high point, but I did manage to get strep throat one whole day into my trip. I was given some warrior points (by my parents that is, but they count) for the fact that it did not slow me down in the slightest. Stay on the couch feeling sorry for myself, or go hit the premium outlets..? Like it's even a question worth asking.

Fotor1105104465. My mom tried to tell me wearing that hat on a desert hike was not "weather appropriate". The woman gave birth to me, and it's like she doesn't even know me enough to know I don't care. She was right, but that's beside the point.


Fotor11051051316. The best photo series I have of us, to date. I went in for a snuggle and she assumed I was going to pull down her top. Now, I'm a full-on brat so I wouldn't have put it past me, but I'm pretty thankful my dad decided to snap away while we erupted in mummy-daughter giggles.

7. When your wife makes you dinner, don't tell her the lentils look like barf. Even if they do, dad. I still loved them mom, but this is why I'm your favorite.



Monday, 4 November 2013


Do you hear them over here? I sure do. Radio silence, crickets; you name it, that's what this blog has been. It's been a mixture of not knowing what to say, being too busy for my own good, and lending the camera to new parents, therefore no outfit pics have happened. I have lots of exciting things to share with you all in the next few weeks, but today isn't that day. Until then, take some outfit inspo as a consolation prize: tumblr_mtjk3cN0ul1qcj013o1_500 tumblr_muckwvneCU1qmu6boo1_500 tumblr_mvn385AJoZ1r2bvgpo1_5009ab3dd64abec892293ae66836490b917 131b89dbf87938a13eb334c91e53edf41cca52067b055957bb0e39a8cc77c2d8

8454f472754086c22815b0a30731f1b5 806238a066d8c94fd61fcc436c0c9b1b 2266895c85eba8360bde2c0613cf2ad9 c26df05edb0d97617c9a3f1bda8e3da7 cbd92803bc78949f54025be3b687b1b9 dd13cc39bf751bb7bc6b47af013e67be e6b69f984bd8c446c350b7465a95ff82