
Thursday, 11 December 2014

When do we consider ourselves grown ups?

IMG_9485IMG_9486IMG_9506 IMG_9493 IMG_9497Baggy jeans man, my boyfriend hates them, I would say 95% of the male population wishes this trend would die, but oh my goodness, I love me some baggy jeans. Add in some fake fur and mostly black, and well, it's a good day. And now, on to a story that has nothing to do with this post but a lot to do with boyfriends, so you know, it’s all connected.

We’re discussing going on a trip next November, so far the consensus is Mexico. Free food, free booze and not much else but sand, sun and tacos? Sign us UP.

Seeing as how this November I spent most of it with what turned out to be pneumonia, uhh yeah I’m so down for getting to some warm weather come next year. We’ve been talking about it for a while, taking our first “big” trip together and talking about where we’d want to go, how much we want to spend, etc. Well one of my best girlfriends is headed to Hawaii in the next couple days with her family in-law to spend Christmas there, and I said to Jake, “hey what if we did Hawaii next year, not Mexico?” He wasn’t too into the idea, because Hawaii is basically just a really pretty version of the US, aka no all-inclusives or resorts, which means no free unlimited food & booze which means, no thanks. The part that still makes me giggle though is how he said he wasn’t into it.

“No, I think Hawaii is something we’ll do once we’re adults.”

We pay for a mortgage. We own our own vehicles, not to mention the house we live in and pay said mortgage on. So like, we’re grown ups, but we’re not “grown-up grown ups”.. In 5 days I'll be closer to 30 than 18, but that's something for future Brianne to have a quarter-life crisis about.

Wednesday, 10 December 2014

I'm no food blogger, but this is yummy.

I'm a big salad fan, but I find it is very easy to A) take a healthy salad and jack the calories up like crazy with all the add-ons you can use, and B) just get plain old bored of salads. This one however, has not hit either of those. The dressing gives it enough zest that it is just so good, and the fiber in the tomatoes, avocado and greens generally fills me up very nicely. Also, bacon. Need I say more? I would say without exaggeration that this has been my lunch on work days for the past 2-3 weeks, and I honestly don't see it stopping anytime soon.

BLTA Salad.

  • Greens, I use a mix of spinach and arugula

  • Goat cheese

  • Bacon (if you have it, it's yummy both ways but obviously bacon makes it way better)

  • Cherry Tomatoes

  • Avacado

Dressing (I don't measure out any ingredients for my homemade dressings, I just add until I find the best combination; for the oil to vinegar ratio, I`d say it's 1 part oil to 2 parts vinegar):

  • Olive Oil

  • Dijon Mustard

  • Garlic

  • Apple Cider Vinegar

  • Salt & Pepper to taste

* this dressing is very easy to manipulate. Personally I love vinegar, so I sometimes even go 1:3 for oil to vinegar ratio. It's also delightful with balsamic, but I really enjoy ACV for the multitude of benefits it's brings to the table (that is, if you're using the raw kind).

Chop your tomatoes into quarters, slice up your avocado the way you like and chop the bacon into little chunks. Throw together with goat cheese crumbles, drizzle your dressing over and shake shake shake! Okay, I do this in a container, so maybe don't shake if you're using a bowl ;)

Ridiculously easy - I throw it together in about 5 minutes on my lunch break, super delicious and quite good for you. Win, win win.

BLT saladLike I said, not a food blogger and even more so, not a food photographer. Photo cred goes to theLondoner, because her salad looks the same as mine, just much prettier.

Tuesday, 9 December 2014

Hits & Misses

I am a big product junkie. You know how some people emotionally eat? Well, I emotionally go buy products. Make-up, hair products, lotions, you name it. I mean, I'm not going to say no to a chunk of chocolate if I'm feeling a little sensitive, but for the most part I'm making a trip to target or shoppers to console myself. Because of this, I have made many poor shotgun choices that I never end up using again or that just suuck, but I also have made some insane HG* discoveries. It's been quite some time since I've done a hits & misses post, so here we go, as told to you through GIFs and wordiness.

Hits:so exciiited

  1. TooFaced Beauty Wishes & Sweet Kisses palette. I am a big fan of highlighting & contouring on the daily, so this palette was a major score. The bronzer is very matte (and smells like chocolate), while the Sun Bunny highlighter has been something I've used since my sister bought me my first one 7-8 years ago. The lipgloss included smells like cloves and is a perfect nude, while the eyeshadows are not only a great size, but perfect colors for my skin tone. For the price and the sizes of all the products, huge score.

  2. Revlon Colorstay Foundation for oily/combo skin. I have tried out so many different foundations/tinted moisturizers/bb creams and have always come back to this foundation. My t-zone tends to get fairly oily and this product controls it so well, without ever feeling cakey. It lasts perfectly until I wash my face at night, which for me is always the game changer.

  3. L'Oreal Double Extend Beauty Tubes mascara. I had been using the Younique 3D lash product, and while I still love the idea behind it, my eyes did not. By the end of the day they were just getting too irritated, and I obviously wasn't using it correctly because I kept getting fibers under my eyes as the day went on. I've always been a big supporter of mascara primers to do the heavy work for mascara, and I figured I'd try this one before I went to sephora and spent double the cash on one. Well, this sucker is basically life-changing, no joke. I put the primer on, leave it 10-15 seconds, and use ONE COAT of the mascara. Two coats and it looks like I have falsies on. HG, without a question. thumb-is-up

  4. Nip & Fab Glycolic Fix Serum. I was starting to get really frustrated with my face because it just was looking dull, and when I'd put my makeup on, my cheeks looked dirty and cakey, and no amount of exfoliation was making a difference. I have to be SO careful about what I put on my face, since my skin is so sensitive it will break out in a rash if the product is too harsh (Looking at you, Proactiv). This serum was exactly what my face needed. Within a week, my face was back to feeling smooth & glowing, and all the little blackheads I had on my nose and chin were starting to dissapate as well. It has 4% glycolic acid so I only put it on my face before bed; so far I have had no reactions and it seems to be working fine for my ultra sensitive skin.

  5. NYX Butter Gloss in Eclair. I find this to be a direct dupe for a TooFaced lipgloss that I purchased for over $30 - !!! god, past Brianne - which apparently is discontinued anyway, and the color is so perfect. It is a sheer bubblegum pink with a blue tone to it, so it also helps with the appearance of whiter teeth. For under 10$ and serious staying power, I'm in.

Misses:stiiink face

  1. Body Shop Vitamin C Skin Boost. Now to be fair, I may not be giving this product it's fair shot. I wanted a serum to help brighten and help regenerate up my dull skin, and this was more a make-up primer full of silicone. It's not really a serum at all, and didn't do anything to brighten up my face in the long run, only while on. So basically, the same job a highlighter could do, packed full of crap I don't want sitting on my face. Also, for $26 it was quite dissapointing. After a couple uses, it was returned.

  2. NYX Matte Bronzer. While it was a good product with great pigmentation, the color was very terracotta as opposed to being a light/medium brown, and in the winter it just made me look very orange and fake. I will keep it to try again come the summer time, but was a little dissapointed at how red the undertones were. Who wants to look like a member of Jersey Shore in the winter? Not this girl. nooope

  3. OGX Keratin Oil Conditioner. I've usually had good luck with OGX; the macadamia oil line was my jam for a while. I've been slowly taking my hair back to the blonde side, and wanted a rich conditioner to help keep my hair healthy and read on a hairdresser's blog that this is what she used. Dare I say it made my hair worse? I was not a fan, even the fragrance was a little too grandma for me.

And there you have it! Thankfully from looking at this list I have more hits than I do misses, which makes my bank account happy, at least as happy as it can be when being abused. There is nothing worse than spending money on items you aren't going to use or that you don't like as much as you thought you would. In conclusion, how about my favorite GIF in the entire world, because this is how I feel when I waste money on useless shit. Enjoy.corgi flop

*HG: Holy Grail, can't live without em products.

Monday, 8 December 2014

Thanks, boys.

_MG_9469 _MG_9457_MG_9467 Jeans: GAP, Sweater: Buffalo, Purse: Michael Kors, Watch: Fossil, Boots: Target, similar here & here

I've written before about my (in my opinion) slightly unhealthy love for the boys of One Direction, but if I'm being honest, it's mostly just because of one song. But regardless, they put out a little documentary last year, and because I still have dignity I did not go watch in theaters, nor did I rent it. BUT, Telus on Demand has it for free currently, and with Jake away at hockey on Saturday night, I figured this was the perfect time to indulge in a guilty pleasure movie. Little baileys and tea, some take-out Thai food and it's pretty much a night made in Heaven. The kind of Heaven that includes holding onto your youth with a chokehold and thinking you're too old to be doing this.

Except you know, my Heaven got hi-jacked on account of the movie was TERRIBLE. So terrible I gave up partway through and watched House Hunters instead. Talk about a serious let down. The only silver lining I could take away from it is that they had fans older than me crying on camera about their love for them. So I no longer feel inappropriate, just so, so much second hand embarassment.

But this outfit also needs a shout out to the boys, or more accurately the men's department. I have been on the hunt for a nice, chunky knit sweater forever. One that fits a little baggy but not boxy, and is cozy. Welcome, men's department sweaters. This sucker was on for 60% off at The Bay, and fits like a dream; just chunky enough, & just baggy enough without being overwhelming. I got a small, but if it was available I would've gone extra small. I recently read an article about what women should buy in the men's department, and the two that I will take from said article is "boyfriend jeans" and men's sweaters. More often than not they are better quality, and much better pricing. The bonus with buying your boyfriend jeans in the actual boyfriend department is that the cuts are all different, so you can go as tapered or baggy as you want. Win win.

And if I have learned anything from this post, it's that my struggle with RBF is so real, and next time I'll leave boy band movies to girl's who can't legally drink Baileys while watching.

Tuesday, 18 November 2014

Reporting to you from my deathbed.

I am going on day 10 of a flu/chest infection hybrid. Today is the first day I've A) showered, B) put on real people clothes and C) made my way out of the house for longer than 30 minutes and to somewhere other than my doctor's office. I was on mandatory bed rest from Thursday, but have really been in bed for the large part since last Tuesday. When you're an adult, spending the day lazy in bed can be relaxing, but you feel really guilty for not doing anything. Well, when it's your only choice, it's actually quite fun... For about 3 hours, then it's painfully boring. Here are some highlights of my week long bed rest:

  1. Coughing this much should give me abs. I've coughed so much to the point where it hurts my abs incredibly to cough anymore, yet I'm still not seeing any definition here.. so.. anytime now, abdominals.

  2. So. Much. COUGHING.

  3. You know how oregano oil is supposed to be a super crazy antibiotic? Well, I figured that if one drop can do such great things, three drops in some water and taken like a shot would be magic, right? No, first hand experience will tell you that the oregano oil dry heaves that induces is not worth it. Oregano oil does not like to be fucked with.

  4. I don't know a single food that makes me feel better when I'm sick quite like toast does. In the first 4 days where I couldn't stomach anything, toast was always a sure bet. Starchy carbs man, my immune system couldn't go on without them.

  5. My loving, doting boyfriend kept me stocked on anything and everything I wanted all weekend, including tomato soup. Now you would think this is a pretty easy chore, but he is a tomato hater. Sending a tomato hater for tomato soup can easily result in soup that tastes like watered down ketchup (gag me). This man of mine though, comes home with roasted tomato bisque, and even better than that? It was all natural. (it may have been a little mix of medication and fever hallucinations, but I'm pretty sure there were angels singing in my room when it was discovered he got the exact kind that I wanted).

  6. Saturday it was our one year anniversary, and we had grand plans to go to Kelowna for the day and make a whole day of it, followed by a yummy home cooked dinner. I was trying so hard all morning to convince myself I could do it and just take enough tylenol to fake feeling better, but alas, our day was not meant to be. Instead we spent our one year anniversary in bed, with me coughing and trying not to infect him, while we both christmas shopped online. It'll be one to remember, that's for sure.

  7. I tried to spruce myself up slightly for when he came over on Friday night because you know, when you're this sick, you look it to. So I had a bath, shaved my legs, changed my hair from homeless chic to homeless topknot, and put on my cutest loungewear. HA. Fever sweats don't give a fuck who you're trying to impress, they're gonna ruin all of your efforts instantly.

  8. I've been marathon-ing Gilmore Girls on netflix because I never watched it the first time around. I love watching shows that instantly date themselves. For example, one of the dates included going to the movie store to pick out a movie. Who remembers doing this!? It felt so nostalgic to see those things that were once so mundane, and now feel almost vintage..? It's crazy how TV shows can do that to you. Also for some nostalgia, who remembers when this was a trend?large_size_TheGilmoreGirls_S1_EP14_640x360

  9. Jake does not appreciate my Gilmore Girls recaps. He especially does not care to know which side of the Rory-Dean-Jess love triangle I picked (Jess, natch.)

  10. I have never been more excited to see my doctor twice in one week. Because the second time around ended with me getting drugs. I've also never been so excited for antibiotics before.

  11. There is no other event quite like getting sick that reverts you back to a mama & daddy's girl quite as fast. No one can quite nail the tone of, "how ya feelin', hunny?" quite like your mama can.

  12. Candy Crush. The addiction is so real.

Friday, 7 November 2014

You've done it again, vegans.

I feel like it's a universal truth that Nutella is amazing, no? If you don't agree with that statement, there may be something wrong with you. Anytime I've had Nutella in the house, it starts off civilized enough, eat it on my toast, heat it up and drizzle it on
ice cream"fruit", the way a normal adult should eat it. That lasts about two days and then the much more popular version takes over, aka spoon meet Nutella jar. The thing with Nutella is, it's delicious for a reason. One serving can hold up to 200 calories, 12 grams of fat and 22 grams of sugar. It's candy, as much as we like to deny it, it's candy. But damn is it ever heavenly. But, because I have proven time and again I cannot have it in my house without consuming it at the rate of a fat kid who missed a meal or two, I don't buy it. Also, the more I learn about how much sugar we're consuming, as well as how many processed chemicals are in our day to day convenient foods, it's just not something I want in my house.

Well, those vegans man, they're at it again. I introduce to you, vegan Nutella. Now, I'm not a vegan myself, you would've heard about it by now, but they do have some clever little nacks when it comes to making sinful food, not quite so sinful. Here is the lineup:

Vegan Nutella: (Disclaimer: I didn't make the whole amount this time, because I wanted to make sure I liked it first. I probably made 1/3 of this amount, and it still yielded at least 3 servings)

  • 2 heaping tablespoons of coconut oil

  • 2-3 heaping tablespoons of dark cocoa powder

  • ½ cup of hazelnut butter

  • organic maple syrup to taste (or agave, honey, coconut sugar.. just not white sugar if you can avoid it)

I made mine in a Pyrex microwave bowl, and you just heat it all up and mix until they're blended. Put it in a storage container and either leave on the counter or refrigerate until you want to consume it. If you're leaving it on your counter, glass containers would be better than plastic.

Mind. Blown. This stuff is NUMMY.

Here's the deal with the vegan version: the cocoa powder is loaded with anti-oxidants, and while the coconut oil & hazelnut butter will still obviously have calories attached to it, they're calories coming from the good fats that our body needs, as well as some protein thrown in there. You can eat this stuff and for the most part, feel good about what you're putting into your body. Don't eat the whole container now, healthy does not equal negative calories in this case.
nutellaI had it as an after dinner snack with apples & greek yogurt and it was so delicious and filling, and best of all, the guilt you usually feel after eating a whole wack of Nutella is replaced with a feeling of smugness that you can eat chocolate while still gaining the benefits. snack*Not pictured: when I came back at that container with a spoon & ate half of it before I even knew what I was doing. Old habits die hard so it seems.

Monday, 3 November 2014

Halloween & My iPhone are enemies.

How was everyone's Halloween? What did everyone go as? I, apparently like every 3rd girl within a 120 mile radius, was a deer. I thought of this costume/makeup a month ago and thought I was being SO original.. Yeah, apparently not so much. Oh well, the makeup was beyond fun to do, and I was able to wear faux fur and leggings, can't beat that.. ever. Almost every drunk person thought I was a cat.. or a fox.. or some other woodland creature, but since my boyfriend was dressed as a hunter, it really worked no matter what they thought I was. The amount of times I heard "hey, haha, hey what does the fox say!?" throughout the night though never got old. Never ever. dear dearhunter Guess who hates selfies? This guy.. Too bad for him, since he's in love with the selfie queen. Muahahahaphoto 3 The look of sympathy ^^.. Especially since I make him take it -he's got longer arms, after all. couplesHe humors me so well. Plus he got to wear glorified sweatpants and a tee, who doesn't love a comfy costume?

Now, on to who did not enjoy Halloween: My phone. Last Halloween there was "an incident" we'll call it (aka, ladies watch your drinks), and my phone ended up not making it to the end of the incident. So I bought this one to replace it. Well, coming out of the pub I dropped it (clearly), on it's back. How many times I've dropped this thing with not even a scratch to show for it, but this time it just poof! Spidered all to shit. I've taken this as a sign that next Halloween, I will either leave my phone at home (HAH! Again, see above. Selfie QUEEN), or I will stay at home in sweats, with a bottle of wine and chocolate purchased for the non-existent trick or treaters I get.. The last 3 years I've had not even a single bunny or angel or witch in sight, so clearly a Costco sized box of chocolates will be needed. Butterfinger's go really well with Riesling, so I've heard.

Side note, the guy who fixed the screen of my phone, looks at it and goes "Yeah, this is why I don't drink." Let me just say, my wallet, pounding headache and slight hangover did not find that very funny.

photo 5This is why I can't have nice things.

Friday, 31 October 2014

save vs. splurge


The internet can be such a great place for finding information. From how to style a lob, what to make for dinner when your fridge consists of wine, tomatoes and chicken; to if that mole is really fine, or if you're next for melanoma. It also has pictures of puppies to last you for life.

But what the internet is also really great for, is inconsistent advice and often clashing opinions about what are "must-haves". Take for example, the most blogged about topic (guilty), "The top 10 items to own".. Everyone's list is different! I can't get enough of my black or grey jeans, while some people hate jeans all together. My point is, while we may not all be able to settle on what particular items we should be spending our hard earned dollars on, one thing we can all decide on for the most part, is what to save on and what to splurge for. For me, a "splurge" item is generally something I've purchased the cheaper version of, and worn it out. Meaning, I know it is a "sure thing" when it comes to my wardrobe, and there isn't as much risk involved that I'm going to drop major dough on a piece that's going to collect dust once it comes home with me. I have purchased probably 3 pairs of cheapo black jeans, only to wear them out, fade the color away and lose their shape. So when I can afford it, that will be a splurge item for me, since I know that I will get a ton of wear out of them, and I also very much believe that expensive denim is worth the investment, especially from brands like rag & bone, citizens of humanity and seven for all mankind. They last, and they earn back every little penny spent. Also a splurge item? Looser white tees. I wear them all the time, and when they're made well, they don't pill as fast and tend to stay softer for longer. Ditto with black sweaters. Now, I'm a minimalist dresser, I stick to the neutral side of things; for me, splurging on a really crazy print top or pair of pants just wouldn't be justifiable to me, I wouldn't get enough wear out of them. But for you, it just may be. That's the beauty of personal style; my normal may be your boring, and you're normal may be way too far out of my comfort box. So that is my advice when you're having the internal "Oh this is a great top at Aritzia, but Target has one just like it" battle. For a quick reference, here are a few tips:

  1. Quick! While you're still in the store, make 3 outfits using this piece.

  2. How many different occasions can it be used for? Ie, casual, fancy, work, etc?

  3. If the item was double it's price, would you still buy it?

  4. Is it an overly trendy piece? Will it last a few good seasons?

Also, when it comes to accessories I have the same theory: I wear stud earrings everyday, therefore want to spend more on them to avoid ear discomfort from cheap metals. Dainty necklaces that have personal meaning (be it with initials, charms, etc.) should last longer than a few months without tarnishing. Watches are also a timeless piece that should last decades, so spending a bit more on a beautiful gold watch is more than worth it in my books. Big statement, cocktail pieces however? Save. As beautiful as they are, they're not for everyday and they're not worth the investment, as much.

Thursday, 30 October 2014

Last Minute Costumes

Halloween is here! The time of year to eat 13 mini candy bars and feel little to no guilt for it (But they're mini! No way does eating multiple mini oh henry's add up to more than a regular sized one! CALORIES DON'T COUNT ON HALLOWEEEN), to watch scary movies and be scared of black cats, to carve pumpkins with either the artistic flair you've had your whole life, or like in my case, the reminder of why you're not allowed to be left to your own devices with sharp objects. aveseyebrows! and my cute as a button neice.
I can't say I've ever been into the "sexy" halloween costumes, not so much for the fact that I judge them - although some of them totally deserve it, sexy Olaf - my thing is I really detest being cold. Sadly, the lingerie & animal ears costumes never appealed to the fact I get mega bitchy when I'm cold. Who wants to party with a sexy mouse that's a tad bitchy too? No one. This year I am beyond excited for my Halloween costume, especially since Jake asked what he was going to be with me, without me asking him to. God he's a winner. Bambi & The Hunter. I saw the makeup tutorial and was so into it, I knew it was the one. Also, my costume probably can't be beat. I get to wear leggings, fur scarves, vests and boots. Fist Pump.  I'll be sure to post pictures of it up on instagram, apparently I thought I was being very unique this year until I saw 1001 tutorials on how to do fawn makeup.. But it's not often that I know what I'm being very far in advance, in fact last year my costume went to shit (Coachella Hippy) since it was freezing and none of my original costume fit me anymore, so I had to get creative fast, and on the cheap.. I present to you:

Regina George.

meangirlsA good mean girls tribute? Obviously needs to happen. I'm also a lover of puns, so here is my short & sweet list of easy, cheap and fast last minute costumes for when you get invited to a party last minute, or your well planned out costume shits the bed:

  1. Facebook: Write "Book", on your face. Thank you, Jim Halpert

  2. One night stand: Make a nightstand out of a cardboard box and wear it as a top, and wear a lamp shade on your head; bonus if you glue items to the top of it .

  3. Scarecrow: Plaid, jeans & Boots, hat with straw bits poking out and paint your face to look like stitches.

  4. Ceiling Fan : tape or write "Go Ceiling!" on your shirt and buy cheap pom-poms

  5. Risky Business: White button up, white tennis socks, ray-bans and boxers.

  6. Iron Chef: Hold an iron and buy a chef's hat.

  7. 50 shades of grey (boys): Wear a suit, go to a paint store and tape a bunch of gray swatches to you.

  8. Cereal Killer: box of cereal, knife stabbing the box.

  9. Blessing in Disguise: okay best for last because this made me laugh. Get a pair of those mustache glasses, and tape a sign to your shirt that says "Bless you!"

There you have it, my cheap, easy and silly list of what to be when you have a Halloween brain fart. And since we're loving the puns (Just me? Don't Care.), here is a joke to leave you:

Why did the cookie go to the hospital? ..... He was feelin' crumby.

Seriously, I can't get enough of these.

desperately seeking vitamix

To put it kindly, yesterday was not my day. It was a Murphy's Law type of day, running late, didn't get the proper breakfast, spilled almost everything I touched, you know the drill. To make up for it I figured I would make myself a nice big fresh smoothie for lunch to get back some nutrients and really boost my energy for the rest of work..
smoothSmoothies are my jam. They are beyond the easiest way to get multiple servings of fruits & veggies, while still getting the fiber that just juicing can take away. On an average day, I have atleast a smoothie, and on "optimal days" (read: too lazy to prepare food, not too lazy to throw them in a blender), I'll have two at least. My smoothies have a very tried and true algorithm, mainly because I have had some disastrous fuck-ups in the smoothie department, so I've learned an easy base recipe, that I mix up however I see fit.

Basic Smoothie Recipe

  • Some sort of dark leafy green; generally it is spinach, but I also like to do a spring mix, chard, beet greens, kale or a mix of all of them. Arugula, big fail.

  • Vanilla flavored protein. Either some sort of protein powder, or greek yogurt. Something with enough to keep me full until atleast a mid morning snack.

  • Fruit! Frozen is always the best I feel, generally I always have raspberries and bananas on hand, but also love cherries, strawberries, blueberries, apples, etc. I like to work with fruits that are in season, unless I'm going for frozen ones.

  • Water or Almond Milk, depending on how rich I want it to be (for everyday I generally go water or coconut water)

  • Add-ins: bee pollen, greens powder, peanut butter, ground flax, chia seeds or maca powder or oatmeal.

So that's my basic smoothie mix, and generally speaking it works very well.. until yesterday, when I made - in my opinion - my worst smoothie yet. Pomegranates are in season and fantaastic for you, right? Well, I was at my sister's over the weekend and she had frozen pom seeds that she threw into her blender, and the smoothie was delicious! So while grocery shopping yesterday, I grabbed a few of those bad boys to have with my yogurt, on their own or.. in my smoothie. Did I mention my sister has a Vitamix? Because this is what I failed to consider when diving into my master plan. My blender has some serious gutso to it, but I still liquify the greens and whatever "chunkier" fruit I have before the other ingredients go in to really set myself up for success.. I hate pulp, or anything chunky in my liquids. Bubble Tea? Sit down, you're disgusting. Anyhow, I blended up my greens mix & pomegranate seeds first, and since they are quite crunchy, I double blended, like mega liquified, or so I thought. After that I threw in half a banana, raspberries, blueberries, chia vanilla greek yogurt (HEAVEN), and raspberry lemongrass juice.. mistake #2. I thought it said "wheatgrass" when I bought it, mainly because lemongrass and I don't see eye to eye.. but since it was healthy, there was no way I was going to let it go to waste. And then I topped it all off with some hemp/pea/something vanilla protein powder. Vrrm Vrrm, it's done and I'm ready to enjoy.


smoothieChunk city. Chunkville. Chunkchestervillington. Like holy shit it was bad. Look at that color, not much good can come from that color. I drank (aka choked it down fast) it in serious disappointment, and all I could think about while gulping down the chewy mess that was my smoothie was:

Vitamix. Damn you Vitamix, you win again.


Wednesday, 29 October 2014

big fat fatty lashes.

photooA couple years ago, I got eyelash extensions as a present for my birthday. I remember at the time thinking to myself "Holy shit! $150 for eyelashes!?" In my opinion, that money could've been used much more wisely, like a gift card to Sephora, for instance. What I'm saying is, I think eyelash extensions - while beautiful- are crazy expensive; too rich for my blood atleast . Especially when you factor in the fact you need to get a fill every 2-3 weeks at $50-75 a pop, that's really getting up there. But obviously, I still got them, and here was my spectrum feelings about them:

  1. For the first week solid, I ran errands for the sole fact that I wanted people to see how pretty I was. Like, feeling like a princess pretty.

  2. Beyonce must have made flawless when she had eyelash extensions, because you wake up feeling flawless.

  3. Good Morning World! Ahh feels so good to itch and rub my eyelids like it's my day job. Wait! Ahh fuck.

  4. This whole scraping my glasses every time I blink thing is fun.. Maybe I just won't blink.

  5. God damn I want to rub my eyes more than I want to breathe right now.

  6. Oh, they've fallen out and now where I once did have eyelashes, I have goose dander. Still feeling pretty? Not so much.

So long story short, I didn't get them again. I love big eyelashes though, they're my usual go-to for any kind of makeup look. The bigger, while still looking natural, the better. So when Holly reached out to me about trying the new product, Younique 3D lashes, I was intrigued. The look of falsies or extensions, without the hassle of glue and not being able to touch your eyes for weeks on end? Let me try this. I've seen a couple bloggers talk about it, but didn't know whether or not to believe the hype myself, until now. Ladies, this stuff works. It's a two part system, the first is a transferring gel and the second is little black fluff fibers (fellow contact wearers, I got freaked right out too, but the fibers dissolve when they get wet, so rest assured). Not to mention it is vegan, gluten free, cruelty free and doesn't have harsh chemicals. US-1017-00-alt4

  • Step 1, apply a thin layer of regular mascara and allow to dry. This acts as your base (I haven't tried it yet without, so I can't compare-yet).

  • Step 2, Apply the transfer gel as you would any second coat of mascara.

  • Step 3, Apply the fibers before the gel has a chance to dry.

  • Step 4, Apply one last coat of gel to seal it.

  • Ta-Da! Bambi Eyes! You can apply more, just always make sure to end with the gel. I tried 2 coats, and am saving 3 coats for Halloween, where my doe eyes will come in handy ;)

photo 1

photo 2

The photos are just one "coat" of this, where I would get these results with probably 4-5 coats of mascara. Needless to say, I am sold. While it definitely does require some getting used to and some clumps need to be combed out, I really loved the end results. For $35, it may be a little steep to some, but as an added bonus it lasts 2-4 months of regular use, so when you think about the fact that you (should be) replace mascara every 4-6 weeks, it doesn't feel so steep now does it? I will definitely be adding this to the daily routine, and can't wait to play with it more to really nail the technique. If you're interested in wear you can get your hands on this (and other really wicked products), click here:

*this is not a sponsored post, I received this product to review but all opinions are 100% my own.

Wednesday, 8 October 2014

Experiments & Obsessions

Since I have been doing the slow agonizing process of de-cluttering my home, I'm falling upon pieces or items that I love, but just don't know how to wear. Exhibit A, this necklace below. It was a birthday present from my brother last year and I love it, but I've always shy'd away from green, and therefore it never got put to good use. I wore it this last week and the love has been rekindled, that's for sure. It's a statement necklace that's easy to wear, doesn't itch and I forget I'm even wearing it after a few hours - huge costume jewellery bonus. unnamed (4)Now this nifty little top is actually my bodycon dress, but I decided that for the day it was going to be a long sleeve shirt. I also wore it for a wedding this weekend and am kicking myself because I didn't get a picture of the outfit, but if you follow me on instagram you would've seen a little snippet of how I wore it.. Since it was going to be chilly, instead of wearing it full length I ruched it up a bit to wear with leggings and black booties. Bodycon midi dresses; the wardrobe workhorse. unnamed (6)10484723_10152493793690787_3349942896168130455_n
Now to my obsession. NYX soft matte lip cream in Istanbul.  This color & pigmentation is amazing, and the coverage last for hours. It's like a nude/pink/peach concoction that is just so flattering. Since I bought it I haven't worn anything else. I do put lip chap on beforehand though, as matte lip colors always dry my lips right out. 
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Thursday, 2 October 2014

Day 1 & 2, how do you do.

I felt like that title needed a rhyme, couldn't help myself and didn't want to; who doesn't love a good rhyme?!unnamed
unnamed (1)
Both outfits got the stamp of approval from the man, though I can't say the same for my footwear.. "What are these little things? Are they for baby feet? YOU wear those!?".. So, clearly they're not one of his favorites. unnamed (2)

Tuesday, 30 September 2014

31 x 31

It's always good to challenge yourselves, right? My sister came into town recently and she made a comment about how I'd been playing it safe with outfits lately. And she's right, I have. Most days I go to work without even wearing earrings. The fuck!? I'm not one to play outside the box when it comes to what I wear, I just learn how to play within the box. So, to re-set my mojo on my clothing, I've decided to play the capsule game that a lot of my favorite bloggers have done either in the past or present, two favorites being this fantastic  New Yorker & this gorgeous little mama. The idea here is that you choose a set amount of clothes, and only wear those clothes for the length of time you choose. I will be doing 31 for 31 days in October. It just so happens this is my favorite time of year to dress, and I think this will just be marvelous. Opinions may change by the 16th day, but that's why it's a challenge.

*Disclaimer, not everything is pictured.. Because, well laziness. I took the pictures while home sick, and the items not pictured were in my car - meaning I'd have to take a trip, to my car, outside of my warm bedroom. Hence, laziness.



  • Black Leggings (not pictured)

  • Jeans - khaki, grey, burgundy(not pictured) black & jean

  • total items: 6
    31x31 2


  • Floral Midi Bodycon

  • Grey Midi Bodycon

  • Striped Bodycon

  • Black Bodycon

  • total items: 4 ...not that I like bodycon or anything31x31 1


  • Navy striped muscle tank

  • long sleeved stripe shirt x 2

  • black long sleeve

  • black ribbed tank

  • white ribbed tank

  • white loose tank

  • navy/lace "date top" - technical term

  • red ribbed tank

  • total items: 931x31 3

Jackets & Sweaters:

  • black pullover

  • grey asymmetrical sweater

  • black hoody

  • black cardigan

  • hooded buffalo plaid button up

  • leather bomber

  • jean jacket

  • jean vest

  • olive utility jacket

  • total items: 931x31 4Miscellaneous Items:

  • leopard scarf

  • charcoal circle scarf

  • "fur" stole

So there is my round up. Dare I say it, finding 31 items was almost tough. I'm sure there are items I have missed and will be kicking myself for, but hey, live and learn. I'll be posting all of the outfits up here, as to avoid inundating my non-fashion loving instagram followers (ie, my boyfriend, his friends, my brother, and the other straggler male friends) with everyday posts of "look at the combo I used today!" But too bad for them, some of them will make it there. If you want to follow along, it's @breezylutz.


Tuesday, 23 September 2014

Taking Stock.

I don't know about you but for me, Fall has always symbolized new beginnings. It is without a doubt my favorite season, because it is coming off the crazy busy blur that is always summer, and everything is a little cozier, relaxed, and romantic. You can spend days hiking in the sunshine, to come home and snuggle on the couch with a book, some tea or a special person. The crispness in the air and the realization that we'll all be effing freezing soon just always motivates me to clean my house top to bottom, and reflect on where life has taken me in the last 365. 

unnamed Making: muffins, and by repeated request, banana bread for the boy. 
Cooking: warm your soul up soups. these kinds are tomato based, fyi. 
Drinking: 1/2 sweet non-fat pumpkin spice lattes; because fuck it, they're delicious. 
Reading: Harry Potter... And no, I am not ashamed. 
Wanting: The weather to find comfort at 14-16 degrees Celsius, and stay there for a good long while. 
Looking: At old photos and sincerely missing my blonde locks. 
Wasting: the weekends away cuddling. funny how it doesn't feel like a waste when you do that, though. 
Wishing: January 1st would come faster so I can have the most handsome person sharing my space with me. 
Waiting: for January 1st, rather impatiently. 
Enjoying: how unbelievable it is what finds you when you stop looking, and how what found you is what you had been looking for, wanting & needing your whole entire life.   
Liking: the direction life is taking me.
Wondering: If my life has come this far in a year, what is next Fall going to look like? 
Loving: sunsets.   
Hoping: that this season, I actually start to enjoy jogging. not just pretend I do once.
Marveling: At the goals I set myself for love & life this time last year that have come true, almost like serendipity. 
Needing: more storage. and then a little bit more storage  
Smelling: vanilla, cinnamon & coffee scentsy. is that a scent they sell? no, that's a "I'm too impatient for this one to melt fully, so i'll just combine all three and hope for the best". results were very pleasurable.  
Wearing: the dolce & gabbana "pour femme" rollerball I got at Ulta last year, only to be forgotten about and loved one year later.
Following: instagram accounts of french bulldogs, and british fashionistas. inspiration and future fur babies.   
Noticing: how much I love this sleepy little town more and more as I get older.  
Knowing: I really shouldn't read the spoilers for homeland, but I reeeally want to.  
Thinking: about all of my smartest ideas, right before I fall asleep.   
Feeling: unbelievably loved. 
Bookmarking: crockpot recipes for the coming winter. I will be domestic!! 
Opening:  treasure boxes from high school since my parents are moving, and letting nostalgia crash over me like waves. 
Giggling: all the time. I never knew myself to be so giggly.
Feeling: amazingly, peacefully, content. unnamed (1) 
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Thursday, 21 August 2014

Dog's Day Afternoon.

IMG_9256Sometimes, you have a really rockin' outfit going on. You've got the leopard slip-ons, you've got buffalo plaid, you've got some coated jeans and you really would like to document this rockin' outfit. Especially at a place with a view like this one, aka Casa de Stuchberry:

_MG_9261But then sometimes, big cuddly bear dogs don't care what you got going on, they want some attention and damnit, they're going to get it. So, this one is for you, boys. 
_MG_9270IMG_9298IMG_9295IMG_9291After a truly wonderful evening of takeout burgers on the deck, dumping ourselves with ice water for ALS, chilly giggles that followed and one particularly chilly "fuuuuuuck" that for once was not coming out of me, plus a reeeally long shower to regain feelings in my toes, we made our lazy way back to homebase. Now, one of my long time dreams is to hug a bear. I love bears. LOVE. One day, I will hug my freaking bear. For now I will settle for these cuddle monsters. But last night, just to make sure it really ended on a perfect note, we saw the most beautiful black bear going down the driveway. We saw some of Bambi's family too, but I have no desire to hug any of them, so..  _MG_9307Summer, as much as I hate your nasty heat, evenings like this make me sad you're going to be leaving us so soon.