
Wednesday, 15 May 2013

What I Wore Wednesday

It's that time of the week again, Happy Humpday Everyone! :) Enjoy the latest crop. New folder1-004 -Soccer Viewing outfit to cheer on my man. #1 cheerleader, right here. Just don't ask me to fill you in on how the game is actually going. I only focus on my guy, and know absolutely nothing else. Whoops. New folder1-005 -FAVORITE of the week ^^, this blouse was a hand-me down from my mama, and ohh baby it has been promoted to favorite blouse in my closet.New folder1-009 -Both of these blouses are from Target, they come in a variety of colors and fit perfectly! For $24.99 how can you go wrong?!New folder1-011There is something about the fact that a maxi skirt & blouse are totally work appropriate and oh so comfy that makes this little miss so very happy.New folder2 And last but not least, my "Weekend Uniform" right here.  IMG_9711




  1. I love all your outfits that are compiled into this post! They are all great + fabulous! :)

  2. Hey, I just nominated you for the One Lovely Blog Award - - I truly love reading your blog. I love your style, and the personal side that you add to it (your diet, life, etc).

  3. Where are you white runners from ...They look GREAT on. :-)
