
Wednesday 20 November 2013

Just so much excitement.

always~This may or may not be my new life motto. Currently? It is so damn true. Life is pretty neato right now.

How is there only (roughly) 5 more weeks left of 2013!? How is this possible? Am I the only one who feels like it is flying by? Time obviously flies when you're having fun, so I'm chalking it up to the fact that I'm kiiind of having the time of my life right now. For a few reasons, some of which I'll share, some of which I'm still keeping to myself ;)

Cooking to get Laid. First off? Best name ever. A gentleman's blog for the at-home dining experience, everything the fellas need to know to woo the girl, without being a big fake douche (because we know when you are, FYI). In my opinion, chivalry seems to be a fast dying trait, and guys should take all the hints, tips & advice they can get. From funky recipes to try, the type of atmosphere to set, how to clean your bathroom for when she inevitably snoops (we can't help it, sorry), this blog has become a new favorite. Adrien contacted me a little ways back asking if I'd be interested in writing for them at all, and after a quick scan I figured oh yeah, this'll be a good fit. My first article was published yesterday, all about how we Judgmental Judy's think about when we go to your house the first time. If you want to check it out - and I would just love it if you did - click here. Personally I am itching to try this chicken curry recipe, but then I see that there are more than 10 ingredients to it and I laugh at myself and say "Whooo are you kidding. Ichiban it is." I put sriracha & veggies in it though, fancy it up a teensh.

The second amazingly fantastic collab I was fortunate enough to do recently was a stylized shoot with my new spirit sista Sara from Saige Wisdom. Sara is the fiery red-headed soulmate I never knew I missed. Seriously. She loves Target, the eff word (hellloo match made in heaven), and pretty things. She's also braver than I could ever be, leaving her 10 year career to launch her dream, Wedding & Event Planning, with Top Knot Events. (Which for the record, you're going to want to hire her for any of your party needs, she's going to rock this the f-ck out). She also contacted me a while ago about if I would be interested in modelling/helping to style some shoots she had coming up. My first thought? "Pump your breaks giiiirl, a selfie queen does not a model make." Because let's face it, anyone can take a good selfie, but modelling is a little different. "I'm giving smoldering eyes" can = "Check out my bitch face, world. I'm thinking about murdering someone." pretty damn fast. Either way, we got some serious magic on camera a couple weekends ago, and though I can't share them quite yet, we did take some teasers to use for Remembrance Day as well, so enjoy below. Whether or not I'm the next Zoolander is yet to be determined, but spending a day in a freaking tulle ballskirt was pretty fantastic, even if it was colder out than Frosty's nipple. Mind over matter ;)


1 comment:

  1. So glad this month has been so good for you. Love your blog and the pics are beautiful.
