- ^^this little nugget accompanying me on my outfit pics last night.
- Getting all of my certification and licensing after 2 loooong months.
- Finding a dress hidden in my closet i bought two years ago and never wore, and it has now become a staple on the weekly summer circuit. "It does not surprise me in the least bit that you've never worn it." comments from both my man & parents. So, what are you trying to say here people!?
- Not being able to cross my legs without grunting thanks to 3 days of wicked workouts.
- My first summer in a grown-up vehicle with A/C. Ahhh yes.
- Andy coming home and saying, "Wow, you look really nice today! like, really nice." on a day when I didn't feel like I looked really nice.
- Emptying out our storage locker and freeing up space. We are becoming reformed hoarders!
- Finally deciding to take pictures outside, and having every neighbor in our complex walk by me while doing so. Awkward smiles & waves a plenty.
- Running across the crosswalk to hurry for the post van, and losing my shoe halfway through.
- Entering into "sweat dripping down my back while I blowdry my hair" season in the Okanagan.
- Not being able to cross my legs without grunting thanks to 3 days of wicked workouts.
- Combining two words together while on the phone with clients. "Thanks so much Mr. Smith, you have a grunderful day. I mean. Uhh. Bye."
- Honking at a car that was certainly not being driven by the friend I thought it was, so continuing on and not making eye contact when they give me a supreme stink eye.
- While cleaning out our storage unit, finding not one, but two rubbermaid containers full of excess clothes that I had forgotten about.
- Rocking out too hard to the Shins to realize the light had gone green.
- Trying to take big strides in a tight pencil skirt. That's a lost cause right there, giirl.
Have a GREAT weekend everybody! Enjoy this lovely June weather.
Ha a a a ha! Just loved this! LOVED it!