
Thursday, 13 June 2013

Bad Beauty Habits

Ahh, a big beauty post. I will not sit here and pretend I know what I'm doing in the makeup department; everything I know I've learned from youtube or my older sister, be it her telling me "you need to try this awesome product, it does wonders for our eye color" etc., or the more subtle "what the f-ck do you have going on right now on your face. Hold on - Sjon! (my brother-in-law) Hand me a baby wipe, we need to get Brizz's situation dealt with right now." - Thankfully she hasn't done the latter in a while, but I wouldn't put it put it past her to do it again. BUT, that being said, I love makeup. When Andy is working late, I usually make a Shopper's Drug Mart run just to peruse the new stuff or buy some goodies, because it's all just so pretty and fun. So let's start with the fun one, Bad Beauty Habits. We all have them, don't you lie to me.

  1. I pick at my nails. As soon as I see a slight chip, it is prime picking time. Also, if there's a chip and I have time to kill. See: my trip home from Mexico.

  2. I pick at my zits. I'm sorry, I know it's bad to do this. But SERIOUSLY, how can you see it staring at you and not want to murder those little buggers? If you can do this, slow clap for you, because I cannot.

  3. I'm a picker. Clearly. 

  4. Peeling my split ends. Not all of them, but sometimes when I'm bored at work I get into this peeling groove.. And then one peels too far up and I get scared and snap out of it.

  5. Avoiding regular trims. Which is why I have splitties to peel. I just waited so long to have long hair, that it truly pains me to cut it.

  6. I don't follow a skincare "regime". I know I should, I know it's a good habit to make, but I'm just too lazy.

Bad Beauty Habits I have broken:

  1. Not drinking enough water. I bought a 24oz water tumbler and have it at my desk, that plus a water cooler within 5 feet at my work has given me no excuse to not drink at least 3 of them in 8 hours. I'm sure it drives Andy crazy, but I usually have about 4-5 cups of water on the go, around our house. I've done this since I was little, right dad? (it drove him nuts, too.)

  2. Washing my face at night. I know, I can't believe I never used to do this. Again, just lazy. Even if it's 1:30 am and i just want to crash, I will force myself to. The thought of sleeping on my pores as they slowly clog with oil and makeup gives me goosebumps now.

  3. Eating way more fruits & veggies. My mom used to still does tell me that if you ate a balanced enough diet, taking vitamins and supplements wouldn't be necessary, and I totally believe it. I still take my hair vitamins and things like vitamin d in the winter, but other than that I just make sure to have rich leafy greens in my diet, along with anti-oxidant rich / vitamin c packed berries and fruits! Daily smoothies make it impossible not to at least get a great start on the day.

  4. Not blow drying my hair until it's dry. I rarely do this anymore, and feel like that came with embracing my hair's natural style. Also, not having A/C in the summer and not being able to handle the heat for longer than 4.5 minutes.

Products I'm loving lately:

Loreal Caresse wetshine lipstain. LOVE this product so much, it's been ALL I've worn on my lips, minus lipbalm, for the past 2 months. I have them in 3 shades, a pale pink, berry and a watermelon blue-toned pink. It gives just enough of a shine, keeps lips hydrated, and the color sticks for a solid 7 hours.


Benefit Hoola bronzer & Watts Up highlighter. The bronzer is the perfect color to perfect the appearance that I may have cheekbones; it's not shimmery at all and isn't orange. This highlighter is magnificent, I use it on my brow bone, tops of my cheekbones, and sometimes in my cupid's bow to really va-va-voom up my puckers ;)

Hempz Bronzing Moisturizer. A lot like the jergen's gradual moisturizer, but it smells like bananas and not your usual "self-tanner" smell.. BANANAS.

Andalou Naturals Meyer Lemon Brightening Cleanser & NOW Solutions Vitamins C/Acai Berry Toner. I got some au natural face cleansers because I'm not too hot on slathering harsh chemicals on my face, and holy toledo these two products are not only amazing, they smell DELICIOUS.


Whew, did you make it to the end? Well done, high fives all around for you! Do you have any bad beauty habits you'd like to share? I'd love to hear em ;)


1 comment:

  1. Miss. B,

    You must get a small bottle of tea tree oil. As soon as I see a zit/pimple trying to push it's way through my fair skin, a couple drops outta that bottle and zit-b-gone. For real.
