
Monday, 3 June 2013

Online Shopping Queen

Ahh, online shopping, how I love you so. It is certainly no secret I enjoy online shopping as opposed to real life shopping, it's just so much more convenient, and opens up endless possibilities I wouldn't have otherwise. I live in a small town, and with the exception to Winners, there isn't a whole lot of variety in our mall, and if there is something super cute around (at say, Target), you can pretty much guarantee that you will see minimum 10 girls who had the same attraction to it as you did. The next closest mall is 45 minutes away, and that doesn't exactly scream "last minute shopping trip!", unless you get free gas somehow. Enter online shopping, my favorite thing to do. I mean really, where else can shopping in stained sweats, topknot and a glass of wine in hand be considered appropriate? Not that I do it like that..

Golden Rules - According to Bri - For Online Shopping

  1. KNOW YOUR SIZE. It's easiest when you have shopped at the store in person (ie, Forever21, The GAP, Old Navy, etc.), but for ease of mind and to avoid return shipping costs, knowing your size in and out is very beneficial. This includes measurements, not just "S,M,L", especially when the item is not being modeled on a real person.  

  2. When in doubt, size up. I have a long torso, and too short tops are my nemisis. I would much rather have the top or dress be a tad bit baggier than too short/too tight arms. when I'm not sure about sizing or length, I size up.

  3. Shipping costs is a make or break deal. Minimum $25 to ship to Canada? Count me out, I don't care how stunning that shift dress is. I will make an exception very few times, most of the time I show myself to the (virtual) door.

  4. If the price is super cheap, generally the clothing is too. Forever21 has been  an exception to this rule numerous times (the quality of some of their items boggles my mind for the price I pay), but I am still scarred from the little twink at Charlotte Russe customer service telling me that the pleather leggings I bought for $16 that were thread bare in the bum within four hours of wearing them was a "consumer issue"... That's cute, little one, but my bum is NOT that big, or powerful thankyouverymuch. Lesson learned? Some things can be cheaped out on, some can't.

  5. If they have customer reviews on the items, read them. These are SO helpful, I can't believe I used to ignore this section. Questions you will have such as "Is this item true to size? Should I size up, or size down? How is the quality? How does the fabric feel in person? Is the color this nice in person, or is it new shade of nasty?" and so on and so forth...










  • ... to name a few

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