
Tuesday, 25 June 2013

what's black & white and read all over?

A newspaper! Duh. If you didn't know that joke, clearly you weren't in Mrs. McNamara's kindergarten class.

Fotor0625123413Today, we are highlighting a huge look for Spring & Summer: Black & White! Could there be an easier trend to play with? I have an absolute abundance of black in my closet, and the fact that you can pair these two colors and look chic and put together, effortlessly? Well, that's a big win in my books.

Not only does it pop because of the contrast between the two "colors", but it is also a blank canvas trend. Meaning if you want to, you can add color pops and accents until the cows come home, or you can leave it as is, and have a very neutral, toned down, on trend look for Summer. Not only that, but because the colors are so muted and neutral, mixing textures and prints is a risk that's easy to take, since your chances of it going wrong are pretty slim. Fact is, you can't really mess this one up. This can be worn daytime, nighttime, casually, or at the office; it literally knows no bounds. And in any trend where a leopard print pump coordinates perfectly, that my friends is a trend for me.


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